miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009


Comenius Project: Visiting Gmunden
From 26th to 30th october 2009

The days that we spent with our colleagues in Gmunden were a very satisfactory experience.

Franz, the head teacher, made us feel very welcome and he was the perfect host to us all.

During the days we spent in Gmunden, we established and prepared a plan to commence this exchange programme through sport, music and art.
Meanwhile when we were working, we created an atmosphere of unity between us which shall reflect on our pupils.

On the last day we had a conference in which we explained to all the staff, what we will work on the Comenius project, and also the most significant characteristics of the German and Catalan schools.

We have had the opportunity to learn about a school which is an entirely different model to our own. Nicolas-Lenhau schuele is a special school of education for mentally and physically disabled children which incorporates children without special needs.

The things which impressed us most were its infrastructure i.e.(the diversity and the amount of material needed for teaching, the adapted spaces provided for each class);the timetable which is from 8h.a.m. to 13h.p.m. for children and teachers alike; and also the fact that two teachers and one assistant are working in the same class at the same time.

Also we had some time to visit wonderful resorts around the town. There were exciting places to remember.

Maica Ramírez
Núria Guasch
CEIPM Arc Iris


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